Dreslin Consulting Group Website

Business website developed to advertise my consulting and digital deliverables services

  • Home
  • Dreslin Consulting Group Website

The Problem

I wanted to start a business to contribute my skills in other projects that I could get my hands on. I needed a website to start offering services, but I didn't know how to code a website.

The Solution

I took a web development course through St. Petersburg College. Outside of class, I took it upon myself to further my knowledge of JavaScript and how to efficiently execute interactions. Using the design skills I learned at Embry-Riddle, and taking advantage of the new development skills I had just acquired, I designed and developed the business website.

My Role

Over the course of four weeks, I dedicated myself to:

  • Learning marketing skills, such as how to create a successful brand image
  • Designing the UI, style elements, and interaction between elements in Figma
  • Coding the style elements, interaction, and logic
  • Compiling and deploying the production site while ensuring quality and security

Tech Stack & Project Progress

This project is built on HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. Fonts are provided by Google Fonts and icons are provided by Font Awesome Icons. Security is maintained using a combination of Akismet, a honeypot challenge, and a reCAPTCHA challenge. To comply with tech stack updates, I fix issues and inspect the codebase for vulnerabilities every three weeks.

DCG Is Looking for New Projects

I am proud to offer consultation services for programming, website development, website analysis, and human factors inquiries. I also provide notarization services (including marriage solemnizations) for the Tampa Bay and Daytona Beach, Florida areas throughout the year. See what I have to offer on the Services page.

Project Info

  • Type Personal
  • Affiliation Dreslin Consulting Group
  • Duration July 2022 - August 2022 (initial development)
  • Languages HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Deliverables See below